Главная » 2013 » Октябрь » 16 » Погода была очень
Погода была очень

It'll take us 20 minutes by bus. In the shop. Shop-assistant: Сап I help you?

J. I'd like a T-shirt. Shop-assistant: We've got lots of T-shirts. Here you are.

Which one would you like? J. I like the purple one. Shop-assistant: What size do you take: medium or large? J. Medium, please.

Shop-assistant: Sorry, but it's not available in your size. They are coming next week. J. OK.

I'll call in next week. Good-bye. Shop-assistant: Good-bye.

Погода была очень хорошая, Сергей и Джон решили не ходить больше по магазинам, а пройтись пешком к гостинице, где остано- вился Сергей. J. Lovely weather we're having today. But they say it's going to rain tomorrow. S. I don't think so. J. You don't know the English climate.

It's so changeable. It's warmer today than it was yesterday. But tomorrow it will be cold again.

How are you enjoying your stay in London? S. It's fantastic. I'm enjoying every minute of it. J. What sights did you see this morning?

S. We went to the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. You know I have a camera with me and I'm making a film. I want to show it to my friends in Moscow. J. What are your plans for tomorrow? S. In the morning we are going to the Tower.

J. What about evening? S. I don't have any plans yet. J. I've got an idea. Edna and I will take you out tomorrow evening.

S. That's very nice of you. Thanks very much indeed. J. So see you tomorrow. Good-bye. S.    Good-bye.

Vocabulary depart by coach from hotel to visit the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey Commonwealth — (группа) едет на автобусе в Парламент и Вестминстерское аббатство — Британское Содружество (Наций) — за исключением — палата лордов — палата общин — часовой колокол, известный под названием «Биг Бэн» — во время работы Парламента (обычно с октября по август) — государственный флаг Соединенного королевства William the Conqueror                                                   — Вильгельм Завоеватель many of them are buried within — многие из них захоронены в the Abbey                                                                                                           аббатстве with the exception of the House of Lords the House of Commons hour bell known as «Big Ben» when the House is in session Union Jack graves and memorial slabs men of letters distinguished men Stone of Scone — [stoun ev'sku:n] stage plays based с I'd (would) like to Can I help you? Here you are Marks & Spencer's могилы и мемориальные - скунский камень — древний шотландский коронационный камень.

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